FREE DELIVERY for online orders over $75 in downtown Ottawa. Same Day Delivery available by phone: 613 232 1733.
White Shiny Basel Pot
From $8.00
Linden Green Matte Basel Pot
From $12.00
Magenta Shiny Basel Pot
Scrim's Gift Card
From $25.00
Black & Gold Sansevieria 6"
From $46.00
Designer's Choice Mixed Bouquet
From $75.00
Dwarf Ficus Lyrata 'Fiddle Leaf Fig' 10"
From $27.00
Ficus Lyrata 'Fiddle Leaf Fig'
From $18.00
Donkey's Tail 3"
'Song of India' Pleomele Reflexa 10"
From $16.00
Strelitzia Nicolai - White Bird of Paradise
Stromanthe Triostar
String of Pearls Senecio Roleyanus 2.5"
From $15.00
'Yellow Gem' Ficus Altissima 10"
Streptocarpus Turtle Shell 6"
Pilocarpa Rhipsalis 6"
String of Hearts Variegated Ceropegia Woodii
Red Siam Aglaonema 10"
From $35.00
Clusia Rosea Princess 10"
Arboricola Schefflera 10"
Hoya Kerri 2.5"
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