About the Aristolochia Gigantea - Dutchman's Pipe Traditionally used to shade porches, Dutchman's Pipe Vine has become a collector's favorite plant, and it's easy to see why. The exotic and large red flowers can be grown in cool locations, and the gently twining vines take care of themselves, providing shade and camouflage with it's large heart-shaped bright-green leaves. Light: Bright indirect light Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry. Difficulty: Easy Feed: Apply half strength of general-purpose fertilizer once a month at most during the growing season. Air Purifying: Yes, known to remove formaldehyde from the air. Toxicity: Toxic to animals and humans. Growth Rate: Slow growing. Common Names: Dutchman Pipe Origin: South America Please note: Plants may not look exactly as shown. The number of buds and/or blooms will also vary.

Aristolochia Gigantea - Dutchman's Pipe 10"

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