About the Ruthie Flower Bouquet Embrace your purple obsession with Ruthie - the perfect hand tied bouquet. With its vibrant purple flowers, this bouquet is sure to make a statement and add a pop of color to any room. It's a must-have for those who can't get enough of this royal hue. Floral Design: This arrangement is made with purple roses, lisianthus, chrysanthemums, and eucalyptus. This arrangement is designed in purple, but if you have another colour palette in mind please indicate when ordering. *Please Note: Blooms will vary. Pictures shown are an example of design style. Availability of blooms is seasonal, for specific flower requests please call our store 613.232.1733.


Unit price per

Select Bouquet Size

Standard $80
Deluxe (as shown)
Deluxe (as shown) $125
Premium $175
This product is available for both pickup and delivery.